Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I comment on a NYT article about Children of Hoarders

Here's the link: I question whether I am a hoarder or not...

and if you don't feel clicking, this is what I said:

What is the line between clutter and hoarding? I definitely have a clutter problem. I do live with "doorbell dread" because my house is in a constant mess. I used to have someone that cleaned every two weeks, and we used to run around and pick up the night before she came, but my economic situation hasn't allowed for that in over five years. I feel like there aren't enough hours in the day to keep up with the mess. We wake up, get the kids off to school, us off to work and after coming home, make dinner, do the dishes, do a load of laundry, get the kids to bed, clean up after the cats, do any task that is required for the next day and then there is maybe 1/2 hour of time left in the day before going to bed exhausted and starting all over again. There's so much to do that on the weekends a few hours of housekeeping doesn't seem to make much of a dent. My husband spends the weekends keeping the yard up, stacking firewood and home repair, so it's not like he's not pitching in. The paper continues to march in, via mail and the kid's school papers, the laundry mountain grows despite my efforts to beat it back. Where do people find the time to work, raise their kids and keep a spotless, clutter-free house all at the same time? I don't feel attached to my stuff, but I also don't see it as a high priority to go through my stuff and get rid the junk I don't need anymore, because there are only so many hours in a day. Am I in denial? Am I really a hoarder? 

Various people answered me and I even answered one of them (See here.)  The NYT closed the comments, but I still want to keep the discussion going.   So here I am.

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